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How to Protect Your Hearing While Maintaining Communication on the Jobsite

by Nim Matutina - Passive Hearing & Communication Solutions Portfolio Manager for 3M

Noisy environments within industrial work places can often be a hazard. Whether it is a foundry, manufacturing plant, automotive repair shop or construction site, noise is a constant.

Some noises, such as the radio playing, are usually a passive, non-intrusive sound that accompanies a work day. However, plant, machines, jack hammers, diggers and whole a range of other work gear can cause irreparable damage to hearing.

In addition to the constant sounds of the work site, there is the impulse noise – that sudden loud, ear-splitting sound that occurs when a nail-gun is fired, or an air-compressor reaches its apex. Not only can these sudden sounds have an adverse effect on hearing, they can also startle a worker, which can be hazardous if they are carrying out a dangerous operation.

In these environments, hearing protection is a must.

The type of hearing protection devices (HPD) worn will vary depending on the type of work being carried out. Some industries – such as carpentry, transportation and warehousing - have sporadic noises. Earplugs and other low-end options can cover these types of sounds. However, manufacturing, mining and other heavy industries have constant, high volume, aggressive noise. These types of situations require a more comprehensive solution.

The communication conundrum

Conventional hearing protection reduces the ability to hear speech and warning sounds, resulting in a large number of workers forgoing any type of hearing protection. There is a fear that hearing protection interferes with communication and in turn has a negative impact on job performance. For workers with existing hearing loss, wearing hearing protection acts as a double loss.

This reluctance to wear the necessary PPE is the major cause of avoidable hearing loss amongst Australian workers.

And while it is true wearing traditional hearing protection could often result in you becoming isolated and out of team contact, today there is a wide range of hearing protection devices which incorporate technologies that enable connectivity and communication amongst workers.

3M PELTOR – Team connectivity, increased productivity

In work environments where constant, high-volume noise is hazardous to hearing, 3M Peltor electronic level-dependent hearing protectors provide the ideal solution.

The 3M Peltor range has a series of features designed to not only minimise the impact sound has on the ear drum, but also to allow employees to communicate with fellow workers easily in loud, demanding environments. Hands free and wire free, speaking to colleagues up to 1KM away is effortless, improving efficiency, productivity and safety.

Introducing 3M PELTOR WS ALERT XPI Hearing Protection Headset

The modern jobsite doubles as your office. You can’t afford to stand around talking and not working, or worse yet, jogging away to a quiet location to take a call.

The new 3M PELTOR WS ALERT XPI Hearing Protection Headset enables better connectivity for increased productivity.

Connect one or two devices via Bluetooth® MultiPoint Technology and converse in normal volume even in noisy environments with the noise-cancelling microphone.

The multi-point Bluetooth® feature opens up a world of communication with your headset at the hub. You become a mobile, hands-free communication centre, with wireless connections through your headset´s two-way radio and mobile phone. You can talk, surf the web, email or stream music thanks to electronics that let you switch easily between functions.

Turn your hearing protection into a communications center so you don’t miss a call and don’t have to stop your work to find a quiet location to make or receive calls, you can just keep working on the job at hand.